100th Podcast!! Top 10 Lessons Learned from 100 Episodes

Episode Summary

In todays episode I share with you the top lessons I've learned from my first 100 episodes of The ITS.ALL.DAY. Podcast! Thank you for being there with me along the way!

Episode Notes

Today's episode is a special one! 

Very excited to hit the 100 episode mark on the podcast and can't wait to see what lessons we learn as we get to 200 podcasts! 

I looked back on the most downloaded podcasts and took the best lessons from each one and compiled it into today's episode! 

Very fun looking back on the episodes and hearing the insights and how my own mind has changed over the last couple years of this podcast being out! I hope you enjoy! 

The podcasts are linked below if you want to listen to the full podcast of any lesson that landed the most for you! 



Please follow and share if these podcasts inspire, motivate or entertain you! It really means a lot to me to know others out there are benefiting from what I'm putting out there! 

Chris Page