How to Destroy Negative Thoughts in 2024!

Episode Summary

In this episode I share a mental framework you can use in 2024. It is a framework that urges you to take on more challenge and responsibilities in the new year and I hope you enjoy!

Episode Notes

In today's show I summarize some of the key topics that were shared in another podcast by Chris Williamson and Jordan Peterson. 

That podcast was 3 hours long! I've condensed the main topics down to around 20 mins and added my own spin to these topics to make them more relatable to the listeners. 

The main topic and point of this show to challenge all of you to take up a new mental framework that states "You are morally obligated to do great things!". 

This concept has been lost over the years as our society is getting softer and our everyday lives are getting easier. 

The reason why you're obligated to do great things is because if you don't you will become bitter when seeing others around you who have taken the challenge and succeeded. When you see them conquer their fears and realize you never faced yours, you will become bitter...

And when you become bitter, you bring darkness into the world instead of light. 

You may think you don't matter but you are part of a collective society and WHAT YOU DO MATTERS! 

So this podcast is here to motivate and urge you to go after whatever has been calling to you! 

Take the leap!