The Motivation Continuum - How to get out of low motivational state

Episode Summary

In today’s episode I’m sharing with you a concept that I use exclusively with my clients for free! In the description below is a link for you to download this continuum, I hope it serves you!

Episode Notes

Today’s episode is my new way of tackling the question “I have low motivation, what can I do to increase my chances of feeling more motivated?“  (Download your continuum HERE)


First thing to understand is that motivation is a feeling which means it comes and goes. 

It isn’t binary; you don‘t just have it or not. 

Motivation moves up and down a spectrum much like our emotions and feelings do. 

In today’s episode I’m sharing with you my concept around motivation. 

The spectrum of where motivation can go, the highest order as well as the lowest lows. 

If you can adopt this concept you will realize that there are certain actions and beliefs that will either keep you at one level of motivation and there are other actions and beliefs that can move you up and down the spectrum. 

When you realize this you see what maybe has landed you in a low state and also give you the confidence to now know how to move up the levels of motivation to the Highest Order.  


Below is a link for you to download the PDF of this continuum so you can print and have easily accessible for you to check back on when you’re feeling low. 

Also attached is a blank continuum that you can use to fill out for any aspect of your life: Sleep Quality, Nutrition, Relationships, exc. 

I hope you find value from it : )

Click HERE!!