The Principle of Athletic Performance w/ Zak Woodward

Episode Summary

In this episode we sit down for the second time with my old roommate and friend Zak Woodward to talk about the Principles of Athletic Development in the gym and I talk about the Principles of Nutrition of Athletic Development.

Episode Notes

If you guys don't remember Zak from our last episode (I know it's been a couple of weeks, my physique show took all my focus, new episode on that coming soon) he is getting his Masters in Kinesiology at UCF and under the guidance of Ben Patrick (creator of ATG Athletic Training Group), Zak is here to talk about The Principles of Athletic Development.
When it comes to Athletic Development as explained by Zak we have 6 Principles:

1) Get out of pain
2) Increase our relative strength
3) Increase our relative strength in a full range of motion
4) Increase relative strength in a balanced fashion
5) Specifically, address feet and ankles
6) Be able to do this on a gradient scale

And we go DEEP into each section of these principles, I think this is such a valuable episode for any athlete our there trying to take their game to the next level! And when you sum all these principles up it really comes down to developing your weakest link.

We then get into how the strength and conditioning departments in schools and sports will see these principles become the norm. We also talk about how you can use these principles for an athlete in season to improve their performance instead of just hoping to maintain their current athleticism.

Once we finish the talk about these principles I talk about how to properly fuel an athlete and most specifically an athlete who participates in a glycolytic sport such as a 400m run, soccer, basketball, etc.
After we talk about this Zak and I go back and forth on our views of periodization, paleo, carnivore, earn your carbs, etc.

Again I think this is a super educational episode with a lot to take in so get your Pen and paper ready!

To learn more about Zak follow him on Instagram @pain_free_performace
And to follow me find me on Instagram @_chrispage_coach

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