Why Is It So Hard To Track Your Meals? (Tough Love)

Episode Summary

In this episode I break down how to get over the first roadblock any client has to overcome and that's being consistent tracking calories!

Episode Notes

Have you ever struggled to stay consistent with tracking your calories and foods you are eating? If you answered yes then this podcast is for you!

In this episode I share my own story with this struggle of tracking calories. I share about how I had to first get used to asking for help, I had to admit I didn't have the right strategies to be successful in my fitness and nutrition, and once I did this I started to have success.

One of the biggest things we all have to admit is that "I am wrong". And that can be tough but the good news is so is everyone else. We just don't admit it, because if we admit that we're wrong that means we have to make a change and that is UNCOMFORTABLE!

But without the discomfort, you will not make the changes needed to improve your health, spiritual connection, relationships, or your business!

So it's time to have that uncomfortable conversations with yourself so we can actually achieve the results we want!

I hope you enjoy!



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